One of our longstanding rod models with classic cane color and a slightly more moderate action.
One of our most recognizable rod models with a deep flamed color and crisper action.
These are our limited edition models, only released every few years.
A lot goes into crafting a bamboo fly rod and here you can learn more about our approach.
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One of our longstanding rod models with classic cane color and a slightly more moderate action.
One of our most recognizable rod models with a deep flamed color and crisper action.
These are our limited edition models, only released every few years.
A lot goes into crafting a bamboo fly rod and here you can learn more about our approach.
One of our longstanding rod models with classic cane color and a slightly more moderate action.
One of our most recognizable rod models with a deep flamed color and crisper action.
These are our limited edition models, only released every few years.
A lot goes into crafting a bamboo fly rod and here you can learn more about our approach.
February 21, 2023 1 min read
October 27, 2021 11 min read 2 Comments
May 09, 2016 5 min read 2 Comments
February 07, 2016 2 min read 2 Comments
January 26, 2016 4 min read
We recently had the pleasure of spending a few minutes with old friend and superb fish carver Mark Bennett.
December 16, 2014 1 min read
A few weeks back I was invited to give a talk on bamboo fly rods to the Thames Valley Trout Unlimited chapter nearby in Connecticut.
December 08, 2014 1 min read
Some while back George Katsar stopped by the shop to say hello. We hadn’t caught up in a very long time but it was good to see him since George and I go back a few years: we were among the earliest employees at Thomas & Thomas when it first opened in Greenfield.
August 15, 2014 5 min read
It was shaping up to be a fairly typical workweek in the shop when a friend called and invited me to join him for a few days of Gaspe atlantic salmon fishing. He had won the trip through the drawing process that the local Quebec salmon offices (ZEC) use to allot beats to anglers.
August 12, 2014 1 min read
Two weeks ago marked the 4th Annual Hardy Cup bamboo casting competition which is part of the the Catskill Museum of Fly Fishing’s annual Summerfest event. Along with many anglers and bamboo rod enthusiasts, I made the trek to Livingston Manor that weekend to visit with friends and customers.
August 04, 2014 1 min read
The Leonard beveler has been a mainstay of my rod making operation since its acquisition at the Leonard auction in the early 1980’s. Unfortunately it started acting a little balky earlier this year, and it seemed that a bad motor or a problem in the electronic control system was to blame.
July 28, 2014 1 min read
Many dogs aren’t suitable for fishing, but Izzy isn’t one of them. Here she is, streamside, her favorite place.
July 01, 2014 1 min read
Our friend Ben Carmichael from New England on the Fly recently got back from a quick trip to the Gaspe and shot this excellent video. More details about his trip here: