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October 6, 2020


We’re incredibly excited to announce that, going forward, the Spinoza Rod Company will be the home for Vintage Fly Tackle’s website and past listings — a move that will enhance our offerings, preserve the invaluable archive of VFT, and continue to serve the vintage fly tackle community, a community to which we are devoted.

To most of you, VFT needs no introduction. It was the biggest and best resource for collectible fly tackle on the web for the better part of the last decade. Many of you were also friends with Gary Siemer, the force behind it, and know that he passed away far too early in November of 2018.

On our end, the timing is also right. At our core, we will always be a rod shop and will continue to build a small number of high-quality rods every year just as we always have (in fact, we have a few projects in the works that we’re incredibly excited about and about which we’ll share information soon). But the folks who have been following Spinoza also know that we’ve been increasingly active in selling classic tackle of all kinds, something that has coincided with Jonas taking an increasingly larger role in our business. Our goal is to make it the best place possible to do just that.

Over the coming weeks and months, all of the past listings from Vintage Fly Tackle will slowly make their way over to our website. In fact, the big motivation for making this happen was to ensure that this resource — all of the fantastic VFT listings and pictures that go with them — continue to have a home where they can serve the classic tackle community. We know we’ve used them many times ourselves and that many of you have as well. Look for those to populate the site over the next few months.

Going forward, we’re also going to be expanding our existing activities and offerings in the classic tackle department. Over the years, we have worked with many consignors and collectors, and have found the experience to be very rewarding. This community is one to which we are devoted, and one we look forward to continuing to serve.

For those of you who still have any outstanding or pending business with Vintage Fly Tackle, please contact Laura Siemer at laura@vintageflytackle.com. For those of you who had items on consignment with Vintage Fly Tackle and would like to move them to the Spinoza Rod Company, please contact Jonas at info@spinozarods.com. We will be offering consignment services for past VFT customers on comparable terms.

Just as we’re very grateful for all of the tremendous work that went into making Vintage Fly Tackle the fantastic place it was, so too are we excited about what lies ahead — for bamboo fly rods, for classic tackle more generally, and, most of all, for the great community that goes with it.

If you need anything, we’re always here. Drop us a line, or give us a call. Unless the Green Drake hatch is going crazy or the salmon run is in full swing, we’re here to help.

Marc and Jonas