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November 13, 2011 1 min read

Well I finally got back from Danbury earlier this evening and managed to unpack my things and eat a little dinner before getting ready to turn in. I was even too tired to manage a fly or two at the bench!

Danbury, of course, was the site of this year’s Art of the Angler show, an event put on by the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum. It was a great show again this year with good turnout and the chance to see a lot of old friends. Kudos to Jim, Erin, and all of the other CFFCM folks who helped put this on, as well as to all of the volunteers and folks who donated items to the dinner raffle fundraiser.

I managed to snap a few photos of my display case and of the general museum floor which I’ll add below. To see a whole lot more photos from this event, the best thing to do would be to visit the Catskill Museum facebook page which is updated pretty often.

As for me I’m off to bed!


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