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New Arrival - 03/05

FE Thomas Special Bamboo Fly Rod 9' 3/2 #8/9


An FE Thomas Special bamboo fly rod, 9', 3-piece, 2-tip (one tip is short 4"). Serial #6154. 6.1 ounces. Medium fast action for what feels to me like a #8 or #9. Used and but for the short tip it is in pretty decent condition. The varnish is hard with a few chips missing here and there. There are some small cosmetic casting cracks at the ferrules. The ferrule fits are good and the rod could use a minor straighten. The wraps are brown with a red edge at the keeper and male ferrules and 3-7-3 signature wraps. Reverse twist snake guides. The grip is 6" long and shaped to a medium blunt cigar. The seat is a downlocking aluminum screwlock with a nickel silver pocket cap. The serial number is stamped on the bottom of the pocket cap. The rod packs into a heavy brown cloth bag and aluminum tube.