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Bob Summers Fly Rod 735 7'3" 2/2 #4-5

A gorgeous R.W. Summers Model 735 7'3" 2-piece, 2-tip rod for #4/5. Serial number 7289. Mint condition, this is a medium fast semi parabolic action for a high line speed. Excellent varnish over flame tone cane. Apricot color wraps with black edges match the cane color nicely. Chrome guides and tip tops. One tip has an extra wrap band to distinguish tips. Oxidizedswiss style ferrules are shop-made by Bob. Hook keeper on the wrap flat. Carbide stripper. Blunt cigar grip, cork skeleton reel seat with a neat walnut rear cork check and walnut end cap to keep the two black anodized aluminum rings on the mortised cork seat (very nice touch with this, I must say).

Peach color rod bag with attached aluminum-and-cork ferrule plug sewn onto bag along with Bob's label. Aluminum tube with Bob's logo stamp on the top of the brass cap. A lot of these touches really show what an excellent machinist Bob is. Nice rod.

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