A superb Edward vom Hofe Peerless reel in size 3 ½. This circa 1905 RHW reel measures 2 1/2” x 3/4”, and it is made of nickel silver and hard rubber. It carries the “Jan 23 83” stamping on the sliding grease cap and the model 355 and sizing stamps on the foot. It has the nicely sculptured nickel silver pillars and the “S” shaped handle that one associates with Edward vom Hofe. This reel has survived without a scratch, buggered screw or chips in the hard rubber, however the foot has been shortened slightly when you compare it to the original (though nicely done). And it favors LHW. It comes in a marked “E vom Hofe NY” block leather case with a unique nickel silver clasp in a rare style that I don't think I have ever seen. This reel would make a centerpiece in any Edward vom Hofe collection.