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HL Leonard Model 36DF Bamboo Rod (from the Mills Family) 7'6" 2/2 #3/4


For sale here is a rare and historically significant H.L. Leonard Model 36DF for a 3/4 weight line. 7 1/2 feet in length. Two sections with two tips. The rod is in excellent original condition with the exception of having the mid-section male ferrule and the stripping guide re-wrapped. The re-wrapping was performed beautifully with the correct silks by South Creek Ltd. The only issues are some chips in the varnish as well as some bag burn. Honey colored silks tipped in gold. Ruby tipping at the male ferrules and winding check. Lovely browntone cane. Petite cigar grip with cap & ring slide band over butternut spacer. Bright ferrules, ring hook keeper. Medium-fast dry-fly action. Original tube and bag with Leonard tag as well as the WM Mills & Son hang tag. Ferrules are 8/64 and 13/64 with an excellent fit. The rod weighs 3 1/8 oz.

This rod and a Leonard casting rod came directly from the Mills family in New York. A letter of provenance will be included with the sale. 
WM Mills & Son was the sole distributor of Leonard rods up until the 1960's. The Mills hang tag and Leonard hang tag as well as the model and length make this rod quite desirable and an important piece of fly-fishing history.