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Jim Schaaf Dickerson Model 7612 Bamboo Rod 7'6" 2/2 #4


For sale here is an unused bamboo trout rod made by Jim Schaaf, a one-time owner of Lyle Dickerson's rod making equipment and co-author of the Dickerson book. This is his rendition of the Lyle Dickerson Model 7612 rod, weighing 3 1/2 oz. 7 1/2 feet for a 4 weight line. The size 12/64 ferrule fit is tight and excellent with both tips. Varnish finish. Cigar grip with down-locking aluminum hardware and nickel silver butt cap over a walnut insert. Blued nickel silver ferrules. Cinnamon colored silk wraps tipped in black.Comes with original bag and tube with canvas cover. Very pleasing medium dry fly action.