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New Arrival - 09/28

Orvis Battenkill Bamboo Fly Rod 8'6" 2/2 #9


An Orvis Battenkill bamboo fly rod, 8'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #9 line. Serial #41189. 5.1 ounces. Good modestly used condition, with some soiling to the grip. Impregnated cane done in a three up node pattern. Brown wraps, dark HSS snake guides and black tip tops. The step ferrules have been oxidized. The ferrules are tight and the rod is straight. The action feels like a medium to medium fast. The grip is 6 1/2" long and shaped to a slim cigar which is slightly blunt at the nose. The seat is a walnut spacer with a downlocking aluminum screwlock. Original grey cloth bag and original aluminum tube with the Orvis data sticker.