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Paul Young Para 15 Keller Deluxe Bamboo Rod 8' 2/2 #5/6


For sale here is a supremely scarce Paul H. Young bamboo fly rod, a fine example of the Keller DeLuxe Para 15 model (slightly lighter than the standard Para 15 model). This model was influenced by Kaufman Thuma (K.T.) Keller, President of the Chrysler Corporation from 1935 to 1950, and then Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1950 to 1956.

The rod was made by Paul Young in April 1955 for F.P. Horning. Eight feet in length with two sections and two tips. One dry tip and one wet tip for 5 and 6 weight lines, respectively.

Varnished flamed cane, pocketed cap and ring over cork reel seat. Super-Z ferrules with an excellent fit. Handsome ventilated half wells cork grip with two thumb indentations. Gold/bronze silks with a decorative spiral wrap at base of the female ferrule and red spiral wraps at the ferrule of the dry tip section.

The butt section has Paul Young's writing on four flats. First flat: F.P. Horning - April - 1955 / Second flat: "Keller DeLuxe"  8' - 3.76 oz. / Third flat: Fer. 15/64 - 1 - 5/64 Tip - H.D.H. 1- 4/64 Tip - H.E.H. / Fourth flat: Paul H. Young Co. Detroit - Maker.

The wet tip section was splintered about an inch below the bottom of the tip top. This tip was expertly repaired (scarfed) by Bob Taylor and remains structurally sound.  

The rod comes with its original satin bag and a period-correct Champion tube.

You may not see one of these rods again, so don't let this one get away!

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