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New Arrival - 12/12

RL Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 7’6” 2/2 #5


A nice RL Winston bamboo fly rod, 7'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #5 line. Serial number #2890, a Brackett-era Montana model. The rod weighs 3.3 ounces on my scale. Near mint condition. The action is a bit on the faster side of medium. The cane is oven-tempered tan color with three up nodes. Tan color wraps with black edges at the keeper, ferrules, and tip-tops. Superb coat of glass smooth varnish. The stripper looks like a carbide and the snake guides are chrome. The ferrule fits are excellent. The grip is turned to a very blunt cigar with the bulk of the mass in the first quarter of the grip. The reel seat is a cap-and-ring slide band with the cap a nickel silver pocket cap. The ring is knurled and well-proportioned. The bottom of the pocket cap is engraved “R.L. Winston, Rod Co.” The rod packs into an eggshell cloth bag with an embroidered Winston logo. The aluminum tube is painted dark brown with gold anodized hardware.

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