An excellent RL Winston fly rod, 8', 3-piece, 2-tip, built for a #5 line. Serial #2992, a Brackett era rod made in 1995. 4.1 ounces. Near mint condition, in the lawn cast only category. There is a reel foot impressions on the walnut slide band seat. The rod actions is medium for a #5 line. The ferrule fits are precise and the rod is factory straight. Three up node pattern construction with a wheat straw temper color. Superb flawless varnish. The wraps are very light tan/yellow main wraps with dark maroon edges at the keeper, ferrules, and tip-tops. Carbide stripper and chrome snake guides. The grip is a 5 1/4" long in a fat Western style with most of the mass forward. The reel seat is a nickel silver slide band and pocket cap. The wood is a lovely specimen of walnut with smokey bands shot throughout. The Winston logo is stamped on the seat bottom cap.The rod comes packed in an eggshell colored rod bag with the Winston logo sewn on the flap. The aluminum rod tube is brown crackle paint coated and the collar and top are gold anodized aluminum. A metal Winston logo plate is fixed to the tube.