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New Arrival - 04/25

RL Winston Prototype Switch Rod 10' 3/1 #8


An unusual RL Winston prototype bamboo switch rod, 10', 3-piece, 1-tip, and built for a #8 line. The serial number is "3226 Proto" which is marked on the butt section along with the maker's mark and the rod specs. Brackett-era rod. It looks to have been little used. The mid section does have a slight sweep as does the tip, but the rod is perfectly fishable as is. Medium to medium-slow action. The rod weighs 6.8 ounces on my scale. Three up node pattern construction. The varnish is a little less refined than what you'd normally see on a production rod (it's a prototype after all). Wrapped in apricot with a slightly darker band of tipping on the interior edge of the wrap, and there is more typical black tipping at the signature, ferrules, and tip tops. Unusually, the rod sports carbon ferrules with a typical Winston overwrap on the females. Carbide stripper (with an additional one at the bottom of the mid) with chrome snakes the rest of the way and a dark tip top. The grip is 7" long and shaped to a full wells profile. The reel seat is a downlocking slide band over a mortised and stablized maple spacer. The bottom of the seat features a 1 1/2" cork and cedar combination with a hidden pocket under the cork to accommodate the reel foot. The rod packs into a cream Winston bag with the logo embroidered on the flap and a Winston tube with a sticker affixed, though the tube is about 3-4" longer than the rod sections. A most unusual Winston here!

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