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Baginski, Rolf - "Horizon" Bamboo Rod 7' 2/2 5wt


For sale here is a bamboo rod made by Rolf Baginski of Germany - the "Horizon" model - 7' 2/2 for a 5 weight line. Rolf's description of this model "Whether dry-fly, wet-fly or nymph, whether close or distant, with this rod you are well equipped for all possibilities. Despite the fast action, the sensitive tip allows the use of fine leader-tips."Blonde cane, ferrule plug. Tapered cigar grip. Reel seat is German silver/Argentine slide band over a very beautifully figured wood spacer. The guide wraps are clear with a fine mid dark wrap. The rod is in mint condition and complete with original bag and tube. The ferrule fit like on most Baginski rods is super tight.

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