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Simroe, Ted -- 8' 2/2 4-5wt Bamboo Rod


For sale here is a early bamboo rod made by Ted Simroe, legendary rod builder with the H.L. Leonard Rod Company. 8' 3/2 4-5wt. Made in 1978, perhaps for the Federation of Fly Fishers as the rod is inscribed with an "F.F.F." next to the date. The rod is in excellent condition. It appears the rod has had a varnish overcoat applied to the wraps. All sections are full length and straight. Straw colored blonde cane. Cinnamon colored wraps with red, gold, and cinnamon tipping at the winding check. Gold tipping on one tip-top, and red tipping on the other. Bright guides. Ring hook-keeper. Sculpted, bright aluminum winding check. Reverse half-wells grip 6 1/4" in length. The cork is mildly soiled and shows a bit of wear towards the nose. Bright aluminum up-locking screw lock reel seat with a fine wood spacer. The Swiss-style ferrules are size 12/64, the fit is perfect. The rod weighs in at 4.35 oz. The action is medium, typical of Simroe's rods. A solid all-around trout rod with the length and action to adapt to almost any situation. Includes original tan bag and tube. Don't miss out on this opportunity to acquire one of Mr. Simroe's coveted rods at a great price.

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