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Thomas and Thomas Classic Bamboo Fly Rod 8' 2/2 #5

Thomas & Thomas Classic bamboo fly rod, 8' 2-piece, 2-tip for a #5 line. Serial #2165. This is a very early T&T rod with the 4 Fisk Ave, Greenfield, Mass, sticker on the tube which includes the "Top-Hatted Man Casting" logo. "Thomas & Thomas, the Classic, 8' 0" 4oz. #5 line" is inscribed on the rod shaft, written in Tom Maxwell's beautiful script.

This is an impregnated model with a medium brown temper. 3-up node pattern. Chrome guides with tangerine wraps at keeper, ferrules, and some windaways. Carbide stripper, Serial #2165 inscribed under female ferrule wrap and at the base of the tips. Slim cigar grip tapers at both ends. Walnut slide band reel seat with aluminum cap and ring. Correct T&T trim marks but no roller die stamp. Good ferrule fit, medium smooth action, straight and ready to fish. A historical piece for the T&T aficionado.