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Thomas and Thomas Limestoner Fly Rod 7' 2/2 #5

A Thomas and Thomas 7' 2-piece, 2-tip "Limestoner Specialist" impregnated rod built for a #5 line. Serial #2153. This is a very early T&T rod from Fisk ave in Greenfield. The sticker on the tube states "7' Limestoner Specialist" with the disitinctive top hat man casting.

The cane is a browntone color with light olive wraps and darker green edges. Chrome guides. On the wrap flat is lettered " Thomas & Thomas" in Maxwell's wonderful script. 2 flats right it also reads " the Classic Limestoner 7' 0" and 2 more flats right "3oz #5 line. ser # 2153". The slim cigar grip tapers to the front wrap and tapers at the back to the walnut reel seat. Aluminum cap and ring, pre logo die stamp. Reel seat has some areas of varnish wear.

Quick DF action, good ferrule fit, nice straight rod sections. Appears to have been well fished judging by the grip soiling but is in great fishing shape. Step ferrules. Feels like a real nice caster. Olive poplin bag with black drawstrings. Aluminum tube with correct 4 Fisk ave. sticker (though unfortunately someone taped over the sticker with some string under the tape).