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New Arrival - 03/05

Thomas and Thomas Montana Bamboo Fly Rod 8'6" 2/2 #7


A Thomas and Thomas Montana model bamboo fly rod, 8'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #7 line. Serial #3227 and the rod weighs 5.8 ounces. Impregnated model. Powerful medium action. Used, with some grip soiling and the first start of some cosmetic casting cracks at the ferrule wraps. Medium tan oven tempered cane color done in a three up node pattern. Maroon wraps with black edges. The stripping guide is carbide and the snake guides are chrome. The original owner's name is inked on the rod. The grip is 7" in length with a hidden pocket cap for the uplocking seat and the grip is shaped to Western profile. The seat is an aluminum uplocking screwlock with a detached slide with the logo "Thomas and Thomas, Makers". The spacer is a mortised and varnished piece of walnut. The ferrules are swiss style with a collar and polished bright. The rod packs into a tan bag with a stiffener and the original T&T brass topped tube.