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HL Leonard Model 50DF-5 Maxwell Leonard Bamboo Rod 8' 3/2 #5


For sale here is a Maxwell-era Leonard Model 50DF-5 bamboo rod. 8' 3/2 for a 5 weight line. The rod weighs 4 1/4 oz. Serial no. 376. The rod remains in excellent original condition with original bag and tube. All sections are full-length and straight. Blonde cane with transparent honey colored wraps, burgundy tipping at the winding check, ferrules, and tip-tops. Ring hook-keeper. Mildly swelled butt. The precise writing on the rod (hallmark of a true Maxwell-Leonard rod) remains clean and bold. Sculpted, oxidized, german silver winding check. Maxwell-typical thin tapered cigar grip with minor soiling and extremely slight ridging. German silver cap and ring reel seat with fine knurled edges. Beautifully figured, mortised tiger maple spacer. The ferrules are size 9/64 and 15/64 and the fit is excellent. The action is medium-fast, with very smooth and delicate tips for precise targeting. A nicely preserved example of a very collectible Maxwell-era Leonard rod. The butt cap is stamped:

H.L. Leonard Rod Co.
The Rod Maker
Since 1869

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