An elegant little 6' 3-piece Tom Maxwell rod, 2 tips, one of which is a #3 weight while the other (and slightly darker) tip is a #4. Medium dark cane with red silk wraps, no edges. "Maxwell" inscribed 1 flat right, "833" (March 1983?) 3 flats right, and "634" (6" #3,#4) 5 flats right. The grip is a short 7-cork slim cigar. The reel seat is an all cork barrel with a lightweight nickel silver pocket cap with a narrow ring set off from the grip by a knurled nickel silver cork check. Leonard style front cork check. Unusual stripping guide (see bottom photo). Maxwell/Marinaro ferrules in polished unoxidized form. Black tungsten steel snake guides. Tip tops are the typical Maxwell bent wire strapped down on the sides. Lovely thin varnish on rod shafts. As noted the #3 tip is a slightly lighter color with the #4 a slightly darker temper. This is a fast but full flexing action. The bag is original, however the rod was packed in a cordura tube for "knocking about" and the original tube was lost by the estate.