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Tom Moran Fly Rod 7'6" 2/2 #5


An excellent Tom Moran fly rod, 7'6" 2-piece, 2-tip built for a #5 line. Medium action. Lawn cast only. An absolute beauty from a rodmaker dedicated to the highest standards of the craft. Flamed cane, three up node construction. Gorgeous perfect spar varnish. Swelled butt. Clear wraps with tiny edges of black. Brown at the ferrules with a spot of green at the keeper and tip tops. Oxidized swiss ferrules. Serial # 905/29 lettered on the swell and at the base of the tips. 11 1/2 cork slim cigar grip which measures 5 3/4". Dark stained curly maple slide band seat, with an oxidized cap and ring. "T Moran, Maker" stamped into the butt cap. Wood and cork ferrule plug is attached to the bag so as not to be lost. Comes in a green cloth bag with stiffener and a handsome leather tube. A true beauty of a rod.