There are more bamboo rodmakers now than in any point in the history of the craft. While many build rods primarily as a hobby, there are many builders who offer up their rods to the public. Here is a directory of rodmakers that we know about who are doing just that. Below you will find information for further research.

UPDATED: 12/16/19

United States

East Coast

Marc Aroner (MA)
Domenic Croce
Fred Kretchman (ME)
Dave Kenney (VT)

Dana Gray (MA)

Rick Robbins (VA)
Bob Taylor (NY) Walt Carpenter (PA)
Per Brandin (MA)
Dennis Menscer (NY) Jim Downes (PA) John Niemiera (NJ)
Troy Jacque - Thomas & Thomas (MA)
William "Bill" Abrams (CT)


Rocky Mountains

 Mike Clark (CO)  Glenn Brackett & Jerry Kustich (MT) Tom Morgan Rodsmiths (MT) Wayne Maca (MT)

West Coast

 RK (Bob) Bolt (CA) Mario Wojnicki (CA) Chris Carlin (AK) Chris Raine (CA)
Dave Dozer (OR) David Holloman - EF Payne (OR) Dave Dozer (OR)



Bill Oyster (GA)  Harry Boyd (LA) Bob Nunley (AR)



Bob Summers (MI)  JD Wagner (OH) Don Schroeder (WI) Dave Norling (MN)
Leon Hanson (MI) Gabe Batson / Amelia Tufts (MO)



 Bob Clay (BC) James Reid (BC)


Europe & the United Kingdom

 Callum Gladstone (UK) Edward Barder (UK) Olaf Kundrus (Germany) Massimo Tirocchi (Italy)
Rolf Baginski (Germany) Mats Oberg (Sweden) Alberto Poratelli (Italy)



 Akimaru Ishida Hideto (Kagerow) Kanjiro Nakao Masa Akaike
Masa Takemoto

South America