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Ever find yourself having to go back and look up the specifications for a fly rod model? It happens to us too. Here we've started what we hope will be an easy "one stop shop" to check rod specifications for models from a number of classic makers. This is a work in progress but we'll be continuing to add to it over time so please check back in frequently to see what is new. We hope it's helpful!

Lyle Dickerson | Everett Garrison | HL Leonard (coming soon) | EF Payne | Paul Young

Everett Garrison Fly Rod Models

(coming soon)

Model Length Pieces
Weight (oz) Catalog Years Notes
Trout Rods 193 6'9"
201 7'
201E 7'
202E 7'
204E 7'3"
206 7'6"
209 7'6"
209E 7'9"
212 8'
212E 8'
Salmon Rods 215 8'6" 3
221 8'9" 2


HL Leonard Fly Rod Models

(coming soon)

Maxwell Period

Model Length Pieces
Weight (oz) Catalog Years Notes
Trout Rods (2 Piece) 36 6' 2 #3
37 6'6" 2 #3/4
38 7' 2 #3/4/5
39 7'6" 2 #4/5/6
40 8' 2 #4/5/6
Trout Rods (3 Piece) 46 6' 3
47 6'6" 3
48 7' 3 #4/5
49 7'6" 3
50 8' 3
51 8'6" 3 #6/7


Payne Fly Rod Models & Sizes​

Payne rod models were fairly consistent over the years, though several models underwent changes from the early Payne to later Payne periods (usually becoming slightly lighter). Since they did not have line designations and since many old Paynes are missing their hang tags, it can often be difficult to determine the precise model. These numbers should be used as a general guide. If you are looking for a particular Payne model, make sure to check out our Payne fly rods in stock.

Model Length Pieces
Weight (oz) Catalog Years Notes
Trout Models (2-pc) 95 6' 2 DF 3/4 1 5/8 oz
96 (early) 6' 2 1 1/4 - 1 5/8 oz 1931, 1936
96 (later) 6'6" 2 DF 4 2 1/4 - 2 3/8 oz 1950, 1975
97 7' 2 DF 4
2 5/8 - 2 3/4 oz
98 7' 2 Fast DF 5
2 1/4 - 3 oz
100 7'6" 2 DF 4 2 1/2 - 3 3/4 oz
100L 7'6" 2 3 oz
100H 7'6" 2 2 3/4 - 3 1/8 oz
101 7'6" 2 Fast DF 5 3 1/2 - 3 3/4 oz
102 8' 2
Light DF 5​
3 - 3 7/8 oz
102L 8' 2 3 1/2 oz
102H 8' 2 3 1/2 - 4 1/8 oz
103 8' 2
Fast DF 6​
4 - 4 1/8 oz
104 8'6" 2
Light DF 6
4 1/8 - 4 3/4 oz
105 8'6" 2
Slow DF 7​
4 5/8 - 4 3/4 oz
106 8'6" 2
Med/Fast DF 8​
4 5/8 - 4 3/4 oz
107 8'10" 2
Med/Fast DF 8​
4 5/8 - 5 1/8 oz
108 9' 2 4 3/4 - 5 1/2 oz
110 (early) 9'6" 2 5 1/2 - 6 oz
110 (late) 9' 2 5 3/8 - 5 1/2 oz
10' 2 5 3/4 - 6 1/2 oz
Trout Models (3-pc) 196 7' 3 2 7/8 - 3 1/8 oz
197 7'6" 3 DF 5 3 1/2 - 3 5/8 oz
198 7'6" 3 DF 6 3 3/4 - 3 7/8 oz
8' 3 Light DF 4 3 5/8 - 3 3/4 oz
201 8' 3 DF 5​ 3 7/8 - 4 oz
202 8' 3
Fast DF 6​
4 1/8 - 4 1/4 oz
204 8'6" 3 Light DF 5 4 1/8 - 4 1/4 oz
205 8'6" 3 Med/Fast DF 6 4 1/2 - 4 5/8 oz
206 (early) 9' 3 4 3/4 oz
206 (late)


3 Med/Fast 5 - 5 1/4 oz
207 9' 3 Slow 4 3/4 - 4 7/8 oz
208 (early) 9' 3
5 3/8 oz 1931
208 (late) 9' 3
4 3/4 - 5 oz
209 9' 3 DF 5 1/4 - 5 3/4 oz 1950
210 (early) 9' 3 6 1/8 oz 1931
210 (late)
9' 3 Med-Fast 5 1/2 oz 1950
212 (early) 9' 3 Medium 6 1/2 oz 1931
212 (late) 9' 3 5 5/8 - 5 3/4 oz 1950
214 (early) 10' 3 6 - 6 1/2 oz 1931
214 (late) 9'6" 3 6 - 6 1/8 oz​ 1950
Parabolic Rods
2 2 7/8 oz 1950
7'9" 2
4 1/8 oz
7'9" 2 3 3/4 oz 1950
Salmon Rods 216 10' 3 7 1/2 - 8 oz 1931
216 10' 3 8 1/2 oz 1936
218 10'6" 3 8 3/4 - 9 1/2 oz 1931
401 9'2" 3 7 1/8 - 7 1/4 oz 1950
406 9'5" 3 7 1/2 - 7 7/8 oz 1950
410 10' 3 7 1/2 - 8 oz 1936
411 9'8" 3 7 5/8 - 7 7/8 oz 1950
416 10'2" 3 9 1/4 - 9 3/4 oz 1950
Two-Handed Rods 221 10'6" 3 10 1/2 - 11 oz 1950
222 (early) 11' 3 13 oz 1936
222 (late) 11' 3 12 1/2 - 13 oz 1950
223 11'6 3 13 1/2 - 14 oz 1950
224 (early) 12' 3 16 oz 1936
224 (late) 12' 3 15 - 15 1/2 oz 1950
225 (early) 12'6" 3 17 oz 1936
225 (late) 12'6" 3 16 - 16 1/2 oz 1950
226 (early) 13' 3 18 ½ oz 1936
226 (late) 13' 3 17 - 17 1/2 oz 1950
227 (early) 13'6" 3 19 1/2 oz
227 (late)
3 18 1/2 - 19 oz
228 (early) 14' 3 20 1/4 oz 1936
228 (late) 14' 3 19 1/2 - 20 1/4 oz 1950
230 14 3 17 1/2 - 20 oz 1931
Banty 4'4" 2 #4 1 5/8 oz
Bass Bug 9' 3 #8 6 1/2 - 6 5/8 oz 1950-1975
Canadian Canoe 8'6" 3 5 - 5 1/4 oz 1950
Circular Bend Rod 8' 3 3 5/8 - 4 1/8 oz 1975
8'6" 3 5 5/8 - 5 3/4 oz 1950-1975
Streamer 9' 3 6 - 6 1/4 oz


Paul Young Fly Rod Models (in progress)

Paul Young made many special order and one-off fly rods so his catalog should only be seen as loosely capturing his total offerings. And many models were offered with slightly different specifications. For additional information, particularly having to do with Paul Young serial numbers, please see Robert Golder's excellent and comprehensive PHY database here. If you are looking for a particular model, make sure to check out our page of Paul Young fly rods in stock.

Model Length Pieces
Weight (oz) Catalog Years Notes
Trout Rods
Ace 7'6" - 8' 2 or 3
Boat Rod 8'
Dry Fly Special
Martha Marie
6'3" 2
Parabolic 14 8' 2 #5 very rare - Bob Summers estimates no more than a dozen ever made
Parabolic 15 8' 2 #5/6
Parabolic 16 8'6" 2
Parabolic 17
8'6" 2 #7/8
Parabolic 18
9' 2
Parabolic 19
9'6" 2
Prosperity 7'6" up to 9' 3 or 2 Often made from other blanks
Texas General
Salmon / Steelhead Rods Bobby Doerr
Specialty Rods Florida Special