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New Arrival - 02/29

EC Powell Bamboo Fly Rod 9'6" 2/2 #6


An EC Powell bamboo fly rod, 9'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for what feels like a #6. Hollowbuilt construction, the rod weighs 4.8 ounces on my scale. C-taper steelhead model. The patent date is inked on the shaft just above the keeper. Medium to medium-slow action. Excellent lightly used condition with some minor cosmetic wear throughout, but nothing particularly noteworthy. The ferrule fits are good and one tip is pin straight while the other has a very slight twist. Typical two-opposed node pattern with the golden wraps throughout, including intermediates, with cream and black tipping at the keeper and black signature wraps on the butt and at the male ferrules. Hoop stripper and a dark honey agate stripping guide. Bright ferrules. The grip is the characteristic Powell shape and the seat is an aluminum up-lock over a bakelite spacer. The maker stamp is on the barrel of the screwlock. The rod packs into a dark olive bag and what looks to my eye to be an original tube as well.