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EC Powell "Buddy Powell" Fly Rod 9' 3/3 #6/7


An E.C. Powell fly rod, 9', 3-piece, 3-tip (both short, one 1/8", the other 1/4") and weighing 4.8 oz. Medium action. The butt and mid feel fairly quick and the tips more flexing.  Despite this, the rod has fairly large ferrule jumps of 15 thousandths. The two original tips both have scarf joints under the top snake guides and both with 1" long overwraps from those top guides down. One of the tips, the shortest, unfortunately has the top snake guide wrapped on the wrong flat putting it one to the right of the others. The third tip is a 2 opposed node pattern like the rest of the rod but is at least 2 temper shades lighter. All the tips have downstream sets. The main rod wraps are brown with yellow and black edges. The agate stripper is sized for silk lines. The step ferrules are drawn one piece so the step is not soldered, however, the end plugs are soldered and the midsection male is missing its water plug. The grip is 6" long and shaped like a full wells slimmed at the back and the thickest part 3/4 of the way forward. The reel seat spacer is black bakelite with an aluminum uplocking screwlock and the die stamp on the mortise states "E.C. Powell, Maker, Marysville, Cal" in a circular cartouche. A non-original sticker states the rod is a "Buddy Powell Dry Fly Accuracy" and "hollow built". Original tube and bag.