One of our longstanding rod models with classic cane color and a slightly more moderate action.
One of our most recognizable rod models with a deep flamed color and crisper action.
These are our limited edition models, only released every few years.
A lot goes into crafting a bamboo fly rod and here you can learn more about our approach.
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One of our longstanding rod models with classic cane color and a slightly more moderate action.
One of our most recognizable rod models with a deep flamed color and crisper action.
These are our limited edition models, only released every few years.
A lot goes into crafting a bamboo fly rod and here you can learn more about our approach.
One of our longstanding rod models with classic cane color and a slightly more moderate action.
One of our most recognizable rod models with a deep flamed color and crisper action.
These are our limited edition models, only released every few years.
A lot goes into crafting a bamboo fly rod and here you can learn more about our approach.
An FE Thomas Browntone Special bamboo fly rod, 9', 3-piece, 2-tip, and built for what feels to me like a #6. The rod weighs 5.5 ounces on my scale. H333 stamped on the butt cap. Fast action. Lightly used condition with very little brassing to the inner guides. The grip has been cleaned leaving it slightly ridged. The cane is flamed with darker patches here and there. Brown wraps with a perfection stripper and reverse twist snakes. 3-6-3-1 signature wraps. The varnish would be excellent but for some slight bag impressions. Oxidized step ferrules. The grip is 6" long and shaped to a blunt cigar profile. As stated, it has been cleaned leaving it slightly ridged. The seat is the standard Thomas aluminum downlocking screwlock. The nickel silver pocket cap is oxidized with some edgewear. The stamp reads "FE Thomas Special / Bangor ME". The rod packs into a green cloth bag with the original hang tag and an aluminum tube with brass fittings. About 20% of the FE Thomas shield decal remains intact. The rod also comes with a certificate of registration.