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New Arrival - 12/23

HL Leonard Model 40-7 Bamboo Fly Rod 8' 2/2 #7


A nice HL Leonard model 40-7 bamboo fly rod, 8', 2-tip, 2-piece, built for a #7 line. 4.8 ounces. Serial #2416 with a manufacture date of 1974. Blonde oven temper cane done in a three up node pattern. Wrapped in 326 red with green edges and an additional band of red at the keeper and male ferrules. Large stripping guide and black snakes. The step ferrules are polished bright and the ferrule wraps have some cosmetic casting cracks. The action is on the slower side of medium. The rod condition is very good but the grip has been cleaned, leaving it slightly ridged. The grip is 7" long and shaped to a blunt cigar profile. The butternut reel seat is an aluminum downlocking screwlock with a nickel silver pocket cap. "HL Leonard Rod Co, Makers" stamp. Yellow bag and a polished aluminum tube with brass fittings and the Leonard sticker.