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New Arrival - 01/17

HL Leonard Model 66H Bamboo Fly Rod 8' 2/2 #5/6


A nice HL Leonard model 66H bamboo fly rod, 8', 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #5 or #6 line. Serial #954 which puts the date of manufacture at 1969. The rod weighs 4.6 ounces on my scale. Mint unfished condition, with a pristine grip and no cracks at the ferrule wraps. Medium action. The rod is shop straight. Blonde cane done in a three up node pattern. 326 red wraps with a ceramic stripper and chrome guides. The original owner's name is inked on the rod. The step ferrules are polished bright. The grip is 6" long and shaped to a medium cigar. The seat is a butternut with an unusual configuration. The seat hardware consists of a square thread downlock but the nut has been pared off to just the threaded portion and an inletted ring substituted (similar to one found on rods by Sam Carlson made for the same gentleman). The nickel silver pocket cap is stamped "HLL / HL Leonard Rod Co, Makers". The rod packs into a cloth bag with a stiffener and comes in an aluminum tube with brass fittings.

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