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Pickard, John - Martha Marie Bamboo Rod


For sale here is John Pickard's rendition of the  Paul Young "Martha Marie" bamboo rod. Model 766 P.E. -- 7'6" 2/2 for a 6 weight line. The P.E. stands for pre-embargo cane. The rod is in excellent condition, all sections are full length and straight. The rod features beautiful mottle-flamed cane with dark chestnut wraps. Oxidized guides, Garrison-style hook-keeper. 5 3/4" cigar grip with only light soiling. Oxidized cap and ring reel seat over a mortised cork spacer. The Swiss-style ferrules are size 13/64 with a perfect fit. The rod weighs a lean 3.55 oz. The action is a powerful medium-fast dry fly. Original bag and tube.