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New Arrival - 03/08

Orvis Shooting Star Bamboo Fly Rod 9' 2/2 #9


An Orvis Shooting Star bamboo fly rod, 9', 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #9 line. Serial #47312. The rod weighs 6.6 ounces on my scale. Medium slow full flexing action. Very light use with some grip soiling and minor cracking at the ferrule wraps. The ferrule fits are good and the rod is straight. Impregnated cane with a chestnut oven color and three-up nodes. The wraps are brown. There are three carbide strippers on the butt and chrome snakes and tip tops the rest of the way. The step ferrules are polished. The grip is 7" in length and tapered to a medium cigar. The all-aluminum silver anodized seat is a down-lock with locking nut, slide, and a pocket cap. A pull-out plug keeps the fixture for the fighting butt clean. The fighting butt is stored in the grey cloth bag. The large aluminum tube has a few minor dents and the Orvis data sticker is in 95% original condition.