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New Arrival - 03/17

Orvis Battenkill Bamboo Fly Rod 7'6" 2/2 #6


An Orvis Battenkill bamboo fly rod, 7'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #6 line. Serial #55298 and weighing 3.9 ounces. Medium action. Very light use. Some cosmetic casting cracks at the female ferrule wraps and a hint of grip soiling. Dark oven tempered cane done in a three up node pattern. Impregnated cane of course. Brown main wraps, no edges. SRMC carbide stripper and chrome snakes and tip tops. Oxidized step ferrules that fit perfectly. The 6" long grip is shaped to a medium cigar. The reel seat is a downlocking screwlock made of anodized aluminum with a pocket cap. The insert is walnut. Comes with a grey cloth bag and aluminum tube with the Orvis data sticker 100% intact.