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New Arrival - 12/12

Orvis Midge Bamboo Fly Rod 7'6" 2/1 #5


An Orvis Midge bamboo fly rod, 7'6", 2-piece, 1-tip, and made for a #5 line. Serial #83370 with a listed weight of 3 5/8 ounces. This rod was made as a one-tip model, as stated on the label. Very light use. No hand soiling and just a hint of cracking at the ferrule wraps. Medium-slow action. Tan color cane done in a 3 up node pattern. Resorcinol glue. The main wraps are brown with a carbide stripper and chrome guides and tip top. The step ferrules are oxidized black. The grip is a cigar with very little front taper and a large square-end. The reel seat is an aluminum down lock screw lock with a pocket cap. The spacer is Walnut. The rod packs into a tan cloth bag and aluminum tube frost coated gray with the Orvis data sticker affixed to it.