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New Arrival - 02/22

Orvis SSS Bamboo Fly Rod 8'9" 2/2 #10


An Orvis SSS model bamboo fly rod, 8'9", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #10. Serial #73211. Very light use. Medium full flexing action. 7 ounces. The butt is trimmed shorter than the tips. Dark oven temper cane with a three up node pattern. Brown wraps with no edges. 3 carbide ring strippers on the butt. Chrome snakes and tip tops. Oxidized ferrules. The rod is nice and straight. The grip is 7" long in a blunt cigar with little hand soiling. The reel seat is an all aluminum downlocking screwlock with a pocket cap. The bottom cap unscrews and pulls out to accommodate a fighting butt. The rod packs into a green cloth bag and original all aluminum tube with the data sticker about 80% intact.