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New Arrival - 03/10

RL Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 7'6" 3/2 #4


A nice RL Winston bamboo fly rod, 7'6", 3-piece, 2-tip, built for a #4 line. Serial #2997. A Brackett-era rod, completed on June 14th, 1995. Weighs 3.6 ounces on my scale. Near mint condition. Very clean grip, the only signs of use are some reel band impressions on the back of the reel seat wood. Medium fast action. Wheat straw color cane with a three up node pattern. Keeper one flat right. Carbide stripper, chrome snake guides and tip tops. Excellent varnish characteristic of Montana-made Winstons. The rod is wrapped tan with black edges at the ferrules and tip-tops. The grip is 5 3/4" long and done in a Western profile with the mass shifted forward to about three corks down. The slide band reel seat is flatted oiled walnut and the hardware is a nickel silver slideband and pocket cap with the Winston logo engraved on the bottom. Ferrule fits are good and the rod is pin straight. Eggshell color cloth rod bag and brown painted rod tube with the gold anodized collar and brass top with the Winston data sticker.

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