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RL Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 8' 2/2 #6


An excellent R.L. Winston San-Franscisco era fly rod, 8', 2-piece, 2-tips, built for what feels to me like a #6. Serial #8179. Lightly used condition. Faster action. Original owners name on the rod. The three up node pattern is somewhat approximate in the butt. Tan colored cane with tan wraps and maroon edges at the ferrules, keeper, and tip tops. The butt and the first guide on the bottom of the tip are bridge guides. Stainless snake guides and black tip tops. The grip is lightly soiled and there are minor cracks at the ferrule wraps. The grip is 6" long and in a full wells configuration. The down-lock screw-lock is of black bakelite (a piece of tape is on it with the owner's name, but could be easily removed) with a polished aluminum nut and pocket cap. The rod comes packed in a red cloth Winston logo bag. The aluminum tube still has 80% of the original Winston sticker.