A Thomas and Thomas Classic model bamboo fly rod, 8', 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #5 line. Serial #4033 and weighs 5.2 ounces on my scale. Very light use with a hint of hand soiling and slight brassing to the inner snake guides. Medium fast action and straight as a pin. Flamed and impregnated cane with a three up node pattern. Very light tan main wraps with brown edges and a band of black at the keeper and ferrules. Dark brown at the ferrules. SRMC carbide stripper and black snake guides. The swiss ferrules are oxidized and have a collar on the male. The grip is 6" long and shaped to a western profile with a hidden pocket cap for the uplocking screwlock. The screwlock is nickel silver with the "Thomas and Thomas, Makers" roller die. The beautifully varnished mortised spacer is walnut. The owner's initials are engraved on the end cap. The rod packs into a tan bag with a stiffener and brushed aluminum tube with brass fittings and the T&T data sticker affixed to it.