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New Arrival - 05/30

Walt Carpenter Light Browntone Fly Rod 6'3" 2/2 #4


A nice Walt Carpenter "Light Browntone" model fly rod, 6'3", 3-piece, 2 tips, and built for a #4 line. 2.8 ounces. Serial #24763. This light browntone is a rare offering of Walt's. Mint condition with the paper and gummed strips on the grip. "Lt Browntone, 6'3" #4 Burl Mahogany" is lettered on the grip as well as the original owner's name. Semi full flexing but feels like an accurate high line speed rod. Lighty flamed cane done in a three-up node pattern construction. The main wraps are a light golden brown with extra edges of black, brown, and black at the keeper and male ferrules. Superb, high-quality varnish. Oxidized step ferrules. The grip is 5 1/2" long and styled to a slim cigar. The reel seat is a flatted and superbly varnished burl mahogany. The rear cork check, ring, and cap are all oxidized. The butt cap is stamped "W.E. Carpenter, Maker". The rod packs into a tan cloth bag and brushed aluminum tube with a brass top and bottom with Walt's data sticker.

This rod comes from the collection of Dr. Earl Fleegler, a passionate angler and well-known collector in the fly fishing community as well as a renowned hand surgeon. Dr. Fleegler was close friends with a number of angling luminaries including Tom Maxwell, Vince Marinaro, and Stan Bogdan (among others) and devoted considerable effort to collecting some of the finest tackle available from masters of the craft.