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John Bradford Legacy Bamboo Rod 8' 2/2 #5


For sale here is a rarely seen John Bradford Legacy bamboo rod - 8' 2/2 5wt -- modeled after the Dickerson 8013 taper. Serial number 1685. The rod is in mint condition. All sections are full length and straight.

Mildly tempered cane with cinnamon wraps and gold tipping. Oxidized hardware throughout. Caramel-colored agate stripping guide. The rips are numbered for convenience. Ring hook keeper. Nickel silver checks. The cigar/Garrison-style grip measures 6 3/8" in length. Classic cap and ring reel seat over a beautifully figured wood spacer. The ferrules are size 13/64 with a perfect fit. Includes a fine brass/cork ferrule plug tethered to the bag. The rod weighs 4.35 oz. The action is on the medium side of medium fast and buttery smooth! Includes the original labeled bag and labeled tube. Also includes the original hang tag and lapel pin as an added bonus!

Don't miss out on one of Bradford's legendary rods as they don't often appear on the resale market. 


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