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Kenney, Dave - 7'6 4wt Bamboo Rod


For sale here is a rod from the bench of Dave Kenney of Middlesex, Vermont. A 7'6" 2/2 bamboo fly rod for a four or five weight line. The rod is in excellent plus condition having been used only a few times. All sections are full length and straight. The rod features moderately tempered cane with transparent burgundy wraps and black tipping. The winding check and ferrules are wrapped in black, then red with black tipping. Brick colored agate stripping guide. Bronzed guides with blued tip-tops. The handwritten script over a generously swelled butt reads, "D. Kenney Flyrods" and on the flat below, "#729F3". Garrison style hook keeper. The grip is a plump cigar-style, 5 3/4" in length. Elegant cap and ring reel seat with a beautifully figured mortised wood spacer. The butt cap is oxidized and has a 24K gold ring around the top. The sliding band is of the same style. Intricately engraved on the bottom of the butt cap are the initials "SF" in old English lettering. Swiss-style blued ferrules (14/64) with a perfect fit. The rod weighs 4 oz. The action is on the faster side of medium-fast and quite stout thanks to the swelled butt. The rod would excel fishing dry flies. Includes original bag with leather tab and hang tag as well as the original labeled tube. Also includes a suede cleaning patch.