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Leonard Duracane Fly Rod 7'6" 2/2 #5


An H.L. Leonard "Duracane" fly rod, 7'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, built for a #5 Line. Serial #166. Very good condition. Medium fast action. An impregnated blank, this rod is wrapped tan at the guides and brown with black edges at the keeper and ferrules. 3 up node construction. The Leonard step ferrules are oxidized and the tips are differentiated with one and two dots after the serial number. Mildrum carbide stripper. Keeper ring and the lettering "The Duracane 7'6" #5 No. 166" are on the wrap flat. The 5" 10 cork slim cigar grip has some hand soiling. The varnished reel seat spacer is butternut wood. The cap and ring are oxidized and stamped on the butt cap "The Leonard, Rod, H.L. Leonard Rod Co, Makers". The rod is pin straight and the ferrules are tight. Khaki bag has a stiffener and leather pull tab. The brass-topped aluminum tube has a small dent just below the data sticker.