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HL Leonard Model 40DF-5 Maxwell Leonard bamboo rod 8' 2/2 #5


For sale here is a Maxwell-era Leonard Model 40DF-5 bamboo rod. 8' 2/2 for a 5 weight line. The rod weighs 3 1/4 oz. and remains in excellent original condition with original bag and tube. All sections are full-length and straight. German silver cap and ring reel seat. Clear silk wraps with tan and maroon accents at the ferrules and tip tops. The ferrules are 14/64 and the ferrule fit is excellent. Gently swelled butt. Medium dry fly action. A nicely preserved example of a very collectible early Maxwell-era Leonard rod. The butt cap is stamped:

H.L. Leonard Rod Co.
The Rod Maker 
Since 1869