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Maxwell Leonard 38-4 Fly Rod 7' 2/2 #4

A Maxwell period Leonard 38-4, 7' 2-piece, 2-tip Hunt color flamed cane, but not marked as such. A very unusual Leonard made for one of Tom̢‰â?ã¢s fishing buddies. Marked 38-4 on the wrap flat (the keeper is also on the wrap flat). Marked "627 P" on the third flat to the right. Crisp and delightful DF action. The cane is very evenly flamed and the varnish is superb as only Maxwell's work can be. Color preserved (unusual) golden brown wraps, red edges fore and aft at the ferrules, keeper, and tip tops, with an extra band of yellow at the keeper wrap. 10 cork slim cigar grip. Amberised curly maple spacer with a cap and ring slide band seat. Butt cap has the usual late model roller die stamp. Slight edge wear to the pewter colored oxidation on the ferrules which are tight and original. This rod is as straight as the day it left the factory. The "P" designation reflects some cosmetic seams showing in the swell which do not affect the rod's integrity. There is some soiling to the grip and a small scratch on the bottom wrap and on the ferrule of one tip. The original bag and tube are gone and have been replaced with a blue felt bag and a plastic rod tube. An excellent and unusual Maxwell period rod at a value price.

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