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Simroe, Ted -- 7' 4wt Bamboo Rod


For sale here is a like new rod built by Ted Simroe, legendary rod builder with the H.L. Leonard Rod Company in the 1960's and 1970's. Made in 2016. Plastic still on the grip. Model number 2704 -- 7 feet for a 4 weight line. Medium slow to medium action. Serial number 853. Two sections with two tips. The rod weighs a mere 2 3/4 oz. Light straw-colored cane. Cigar grip. Bright ferrules, guides and tip-tops. Bright finish nickel silver cap and ring reel seat over cork. Honey silk wraps with "Leonard Red" edges. The ferrules are 11/64 with an excellent fit. Tan cloth bag and brass-capped aluminum tube. Don't miss out on this opportunity to acquire one of Mr. Simroe's silky-smooth casting rods in new condition. You will be glad you did!