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R.L. Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 8’3″ 3/2 #6

For sale here is an R.L. Winston 8’3″ for a #6 line, 3-piece, 2-tips. Serial #3837. 4 1/4 oz. A very powerful medium action rod. Very lightly fished, moderate soiling of grip. Wrapped tan with black accents. Lovely varnish and all the usual excellent Winston touches, the wound over ferrule and the bamboo front cork check. Excellent quality cork grip. Nickel silver downlock screw lock with mortised figured wood. Nickel silver pocket cap. Light brown tone cane, three up node pattern. Large guides including agate stripper. An excellent rod from one of the best names in the business. R.L. Winston Rod Co monogrammed bag. Winston Brown painted tube with gold anodized aluminum top. The owner came by this rod by winning a Cast-A-Winston contest some years ago – he ended up trading a number of the graphite prize rods for this excellent bamboo piece!