For sale here is a very special rod made by Glenn Brackett and Jerry Kustich. A Winston Rod Co. bamboo rod - 7'6, 3/2 for a 4 weight line. 2 7/8 oz. scripted weight - 3 3/4 oz. actual weight. Mint/new condition. Comes with Winston bag and tube. This is one of the last rods with a Brackett-era serial number (#3965). When Jerry, Glenn and Wayne left Winston they each got four serialized Winstons as "severance" ...the hitch was that they still needed to be wrapped and dipped. They've been lying around ("on the wall", Jerry says) for years, but they have recently finished them...the last ones to be serialized under the Brackett era at the Winston Rod Co. This script on this one actually reads "Built by Jerry Kustich and Glenn Brackett". Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a unique piece of history from one of the most respected bamboo rod making companies of all time!