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HL Leonard "Centennial" Commemorative Bamboo Rod from 1981 8'6" 3/2 #5


For sale here is a very scarce H.L. Leonard rod. The "Centennial" rod was built in 1981 to commemorate Leonard's 100 years in Central Valley, NY. Originally the company intended on producing 50 of these rods, but ended up only producing 38. The rod pays tribute to their most popular model offered in 1881. 8'6 3/2 5wt with full candy apple red intermediates. Straw colored cane. The stripper is a large snake guide. The grip is rattan with red silks woven into the gaps. The reel seat is a nickel silver slide band with nickel silver pocketed butt cap over a butternut wood spacer. Original ferrule plugs included. The rod comes in a wooden presentation box as well as the original aluminum tube and rod bag. Also included in this sale is an original Leonard "catalog" that was produced in line with the marketing of this historic rod.