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New Arrival - 12/23

Orvis Battenkill Fly Rod 8' 2/2 #8


An Orvis Battenkill fly rod, 8', 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #8 line. 4.5 ounces. Serial #49677. Fair used condition with some surface scratches on the cane. Medium action. Dark oven treated cane that's impregnated. The main wraps are brown with a carbide stripper and chrome plated snake guides. The ferrules are step down and are oxidized. The grip is a slim cigar that's 6" in length. The reel seat is an aluminum downlocking screwlock with a pocket cap over a walnut spacer. The rod packs into a tan bag and aluminum tube which retains 100% of the original data sticker.