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New Arrival - 08/31

RL Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 8' 2/2 #5/6


An excellent RL Winston Bamboo Fly Rod, 8, 2-piece, 2-tip, built for what feels to me like a #5 or a #6 line. "RL Winston" and "8' 4 oz #2003" lettered on the shaft. Weighs 4 ounces on my scale. Medium semi full flexing action. Excellent, lightly fished and well cared for condition. The ferrule fits are perfect, and one tip is straight while the other could use a very minor bit of straightening. Light, honey-colored cane done in a three up node pattern construction. Nice varnish throughout. The chromes plated guides are wrapped orange with dark maroon tipping at the keeper, ferrules, and tip tops. The durabronze ferrules have the characteristic Winston overwrap done in a handsome copper color. The grip is 13 corks and 6 1/2" long, done in full wells style, with some light hand soiling and minor ridging. The reel seat is an aluminum downlocking screwlock with a pocket cap over a nicely varnished wood spacer. The rod packs in a bright orange bag with the Winston logo and a dark copper colored aluminum tube with brass fittings and the Winston logo sticker intact.

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