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New Arrival - 09/28

RL Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 8'6" 2/2 #7


A nice RL Winston bamboo fly rod, 8'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for what feels to me like a #7 line. 4.8 ounces on my scale. Serial #1910 from the Morgan/Brackett era. Mint condition. Medium action. Wheatstraw oven tempered cane done in a three up node pattern. The rod is factory straight and the ferrule fits are excellent. The main wraps are tan or light yellow with cinnamon edges at the keeper, ferrules, and tip-tops. Carbide stripper and chrome snake guides. The grip is 6 1/2" long and styled to a western profile. Aluminum downlocking screwlock reel seat with a formed pocket cap. Highly varnished wood spacer. The rod packs into a red cloth bag and a bronze anodized aluminum tube with brass fittings, and a Montana Winston data sticker is affixed to the tube.