A nice Thomas and Thomas Hendrickson model bamboo fly rod, 8'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #5 line. Serial #3791. 5.8 ounces. Mint condition. Medium fast action. Impregnated, medium brown oven tempered cane, a few shades darker than wheatstraw. Three up node pattern construction. Light tan, almost transparent main wraps with light brown edges and black at the keeper and ferrules. Dark brown at the ferrules. The ferrules are swiss style with a collar and are oxidized. The grip is 6" long and turned to a western profile with a hidden pocket cap. The seat is an uplocking screwlock made of nickel silver which is stamped "Thomas and Thomas, Makers" on the slide. Perfectly varnished mortised walnut spacer. Tan bag with an aluminum tube with brass fittings.